ALPLA moves closer to net zero with Direct Project Assistance
The ALPLA Group, a global producer of plastic packaging solutions and bottle-to-bottle recycler with operations in Iowa City, is saving approximately $126,000 per year in energy costs with the help of MidAmerican’s Direct Project Assistance program, one of MidAmerican’s Nonresidential Energy Solutions offerings. Direct Project Assistance provides system-specific engineering consultations, project evaluation services and project support for mid-to-large facilities.

“Because of MidAmerican's unique energy efficiency programs, there were additional incentives that were a smart move for the region in terms of energy savings,” Billy Rice, sustainability manager at ALPLA North America, said.
In addition to the $165,000 in Direct Project Assistance rebates, the upgrades ALPLA implemented with the support of MidAmerican are resulting in annual savings of:

Approximately 1.9 million
kilowatt-hours of electricity
kilowatt-hours of electricity

in energy costs
in energy costs

More than 29,000 therms of natural gas

“ALPLA recognizes the importance of decreasing electrical consumption across all of our plants as a means to decrease costs and [greenhouse gas] emissions. As such, partnering with MidAmerican’s team on energy-saving projects aligns with our goal of reducing the region’s [greenhouse gas] emissions by 12% by 2025,” Rice said.
ALPLA’s goal goes hand-in-hand with our own goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. And, lowering the demand for energy – like ALPLA is doing through the implementation of energy-efficiency improvements – complements our all-of-the-above approach to providing affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to our customers.
Our energy efficiency programs aren’t the only way ALPLA is carrying out sustainability goals. Through research and development, the global company is also developing bio-based plastics and new biodegradable materials, as well as making significant water conservation efforts and expanding recycling activities. ALPLA also plans to continue modernizing the way they work and enhancing their cutting-edge infrastructure with the help of our business connections and energy efficiency teams.
Interested in saving energy and money for your business or community?
Call us at 800-432-8583 or contact your business connections manager to discuss your needs.