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In 2023, MidAmerican helped restore Brown’s Lake in Woodbury County, Iowa, after dry conditions had reduced the 600-acre lake to less than half of its normal water level. Now, Brown’s Lake is full of life once more, attracting visitors and supporting local habitats.
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Boaters enjoying the newly restored Brown's Lake
Boaters enjoying the newly restored Brown's Lake

Brown's Lake – located in Bigelow Park in Woodbury County, Iowa – reduced to less than half its normal water level, even with MidAmerican pumping in water from the nearby Missouri River. The river water is used to cool our nearby energy plant, then it's released into Brown's Lake, but with persistent drought conditions, the lake's water levels continued to go down. 

Working with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Woodbury County Conservation Board, we commissioned studies of the lake, which revealed that relocating our plant's pumped water outflow and increasing the amount of water used would dramatically improve the lake's water level and retention. We implemented these changes, and in a matter of weeks, the water level had doubled.
Now, the park and Brown’s Lake is once again attracting swimmers, fishers, boaters and campers. Plus, excess river water from our energy plant supports an adjacent wetland and its wildlife.

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